Wally and the French Ambassador
Wally and the French Ambassador – Wally would like to go for a walk with the French Ambassador but first she needs to fix her stockings. The Ambassador is very happy to help.
Wally and the Page Boy
Wally in the Bath
Wally in the Bath – After a rough night with Prince Edward, Wally needs a bath. Unfortunately, she is out of bath salts. Fortunately the butler can help….
Wally and the King
Wally and the Sultan
Wally and the Sultan – Wallis Simpson has heard that the Sultan’s rooms are decorated quite exotically. She would love to have a tour.
Jean Harloe in “Hot Nuts”
Jean Harloe in “Hot Nuts” seems to show a treatment for a film with a sexually voracious main character named “Susie.” Harloe (or Harlow) would have been the stuff of dreams in the title role.
William Powell and Myrna Loy in “Nuts to Will Hays”
William Powell and Myrna Loy in “Nuts to Will Hays” – Powell and Loy starred together in 13 movies, always playing a couple. Powell decides he wants some of the same benefits as real married couples and Loy agrees.
John Dillinger in “A Hasty Exit”
John Dillinger in “A Hasty Exit” – When Evelyn (Frechette, Dillinger’s girlfriend) and her friend Nellie go out for a drive, their car breaks down and who should come along to save them but the notorious killer, John Dillinger.
Gracie Claims
Gracie Claims – Gracie Allen claims she is a psychic and she “sees all, tells all, knows all.” That is until her partner George Burns shows up…