Bordell by Otto Schoff

Bordell was printed in 1924 in an edition of thirty copies with ten prints in each. Each print was hand colored with crayon. It shows scenes from a brothel, presumably in Berlin.


The Dresden Album

The Dresden Album is a set of eighty paintings done in pen and ink, watercolor, and gouache, bound together in one album that originated in Dresden in the early 1930s.


Sevérités Perverses by Carlo

In Sevérités Perverses by Carlo (1934) a young lady named Julie enters the training establishment of Berthe de Z—. This finishing school uses extreme measures to prepare young ladies for the rigors of a life in society.


La Reine Cravache by Carlo

La Reine Cravache (The Whip Queen) (1932) was a collaboration between Alan Mac Clyde and the illustrator Carlo. It features Lola, Queen of the Whips, other female dominants, and the legendary Whip Fair.


The Lantern by Ernst Gerhard

The Lantern: a portfolio of ten etchings. What once might have been hidden in the dark is revealed by the light source prominent in every plate.


Dressage by Bernard Montorgueil

Dressage features numerous Female Dominants, one mature Male Dominant and several submissive young men who are trained in the arts of feminization and submission, both heterosexual and homosexual.


Innocent Little Games by Achille Devéria

Innocent Little Games: Redeemed Pledges is a suite of ten lithographs dated to 1840.


Bilitis by Otto Schoff

Les chansons de Bilitis was purported to be ancient poetry found on the walls of a tomb in Cyprus, written by a woman named Bilitis who was a courtesan and contemporary of Sappho. However, it was a literary fraud perpetrated by the very prolific author of erotica, Pierre Louÿs in 1894.


The Four Thursdays by Bernard Montorgueil

Les Quat’ Jeudis  (The Four Thursdays) by Bernard Montorgueil is a classic of Female Dominance and male submission. It dates from 1930. It has eleven illustrations.
